– Grandma writing letters to Doll-Doll (my favorite doll since age 7 or so).
– My writing from Uruguay (when I was 7 or 8) to request a specific Christmas gift from her. My Mommy was SO embarrassed, but Grandma was so pleased! Her response was: “That’s what Grandmas are for!”
– Her beautiful Christmas decorations and wonderful Christmas meals at the farm.
– Her “Pudding in a Cloud” dessert.
– The profound impact her sweet, lady-like behavior had on me as a rather backward 13-year old. I remember admiring her and wanting to be like her. I especially noticed that she said “Pardon?” instead of “What?” when she wanted something to be repeated, so I started doing so too!
– The soft, plush elephant she gave me one Christmas when I was a teenager. It’s now in my baby’s room, awaiting her arrival.
– Recognizing when I was very young that Grandma was VERY special to my Mommy. Consequently, even though I grew up so far away from Grandma, she has always been very special to me too.
– Grandma’s traveling from Canada to my wedding in South Carolina six and a half years ago (even though the trip was hard on her) because she recognized without my saying anything how much I needed her after my Mommy’s Home-Going just six weeks prior.
– Being comforted knowing that Grandma was praying for John Mark and me every night.
Most of all, I remember Grandma’s sweet trust in Christ – even through more trials and losses than I have ever personally known anyone else to experience. She has left a wonderful example for us to follow…
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