Sonidos Serranos

Sonidos Serranos: Sounds of the Sierras...
Reflecting some of my family's interests: God's wonderful creation (especially mountains and hills!), music, and language...

Psalm 121:1-2 (NASB)

I will lift up my eyes to the mountains;
From where shall my help come?
My help comes from the LORD,
Who made heaven and earth.

17 November 2014

End of Semester Thoughts

“Dear Diary:”
Last semester at this almost-end-of-the-semester point, I was in tears – thinking how much I would miss teaching my group of ten students... And I was comforted when I realized: “Wait! I can look forward to a second semester with them!” (I was teaching Grammar & Composition I, with an emphasis on the “grammar” part – a class I’d taught twice before on a college level.)
At the almost-end of this semester, the memories of the countless tears of frustration over lack of resources – and the time and energy drains involved in trying to compensate (especially when trying to teach basic documentation and argumentation writing skills to students who were never required to do a research project in high school!) – are crowding out even the possibility of any emotion except (the hope for!) relief. (Admittedly, my knowing that G&C III has been added to next school year (as a measure of solution to problems encountered in G&C II) means that I’ll be spending more time with this group of ten in the fall... And I do love them!)
BUT! Right now... Right now, I’m looking forward to taking a break from the college project... A break from having to say: “Mommy can’t play with blocks right now; I have to finish (fill in the blank)… I’m looking forward to having time to go to the park (only three blocks away) with my favorite little people... Or maybe to just soaking in some sun, sitting on the stone bench in our back yard, marveling at my little people’s imaginations... Or maybe to joining in on charcoal and brick powder drawings... Or maybe to letting them get dirty while they play, knowing I have time to fit in an extra bath... Or maybe...
Yes! I'm very thankful for the prospect of a break from the trying-to-develop-a-college project... I have a lot of other catching up to do... And every day I’m more and more aware of the fact that time does not stand still... They won’t always be this little...
It’s 2:30 a.m.; I’ll start by catching some sleep...

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